Getting A Live-In Arrangement With Your Sugar Baby

The Convenience of Live-In Arrangements

When you think about a Sugar daddy that has live-in arrangements, who comes to mind? Likely the most famous one might be Hugh Hefner. Back in the day, Hefner was a man who every Sugar Baby wanted to be around. A chance to stay at that mansion was a dream! The convenience of this kind of lifestyle and the pleasure involved is wonderful and exciting but not everyone has that luxury. What if, you the single Sugar Daddy (single as in not already married) want something not as extravagant but equally as convenient? A live in relationship with your Sugar Baby could be exactly what you’re both looking for, so here are some tips to consider if it’s really want you want.

Setting Up for the Live In Experience

Setting Up for the Live In Experience If you know that a live in experience is something you want, make sure that you are clear with that on your Sugar Daddy Dating profile. This is very important! If you’re the kind of Sugar Daddy that explicitly looks for polyamorous relationships and owns a nice home that can host a few lovely ladies to keep your company than be explicit about it. We cannot say this enough. Make sure that the Sugar Baby knows exactly what you are looking for so she knows exactly what she is getting in to.

Take Your Time

Even though this relationship is not the same as conventional ones, it doesn’t mean that you and your Sugar Baby are going to be able to live with one another without getting to know each other first. Money is a huge asset and a large benefit for the Sugar Baby in this lifestyle but there IS merit to the phrase ‘money can’t buy everything’. If you were explicit about the fact that you wanted a live in arrangement, you still need to give BOTH of you the time to test the waters and see if it would really work out!

Date a Couple Times First

Date a Couple Times First This point follows right up on the heels of not rushing in to anything. In order to get a good feel for your new Sugar Baby you will want to date her a couple times and take her out to a variety of places to see if her activities and personality really matches your own. Sometimes a Sugar Baby might be very different and have very different habits than the Sugar daddy that might cause friction if there was a live in situation but makes no infringement on their relationship otherwise. Why not try a couple weekends or a week long vacation first?

Terms and Conditions May Apply

This tip might even be a good one for any sort of mutual beneficial relationship, but definitely for a Live-In arrangement. Since this is also a living situation, you should both have things sorted out and protected in the event that it doesn’t work out. It’s not at all a sign of distrust, it’s just plain business. So consider drafting up a contract that addresses your arrangement and keeping it locked away somewhere safe after signed. To Find The Perfect Live-In Sugar Baby, CLICK HERE